Lesson 16
Packaged with a Neat Little Bow
In which we learn how to build a distributable version of our game
Panda3D comes with a tool that will–with some guidance from us–automatically build a distributable version of our game, downloading files from the internet as called for.
It requires two files:
- “requirements.txt”, which tells it what dependency packages will be required by the final game. (And note that the “panda3d” package itself is such a dependency!)
- And “setup.py”, which details how it should build the game.
The “requirements.txt” file is pretty straightforward. Indeed, for our purposes it will have only a single line:
The “setup.py” file is a bit more complicated.
To start with, the basics: from “setuptools” we import the “setup” method, and then call it, providing the details of our game as parameters. The shell of that code looks like this:
from setuptools import setup
# Parameters go here...
There are two parameters that we’ll give to it: the name of our game, and a dictionary of options.
In our case, we will technically have a only single option–but that “option” will itself include a bunch of options. The option in question is called “build_apps”, and the options that we pass to it describe how to build our game. This includes things like which platforms we want to build for, which files or file-types we want to include or exclude from the final product, and so on.
from setuptools import setup
name = "Panda-chan and the Endless Horde",
options = {
"build_apps" : {
# Build-options go here...
Which leaves just the build-options to be filled out.
We’re going to use six: “include_patterns”, “gui_apps”, “plugins”, “platforms”, “log_filename”, and “log_append”.
“include_patterns” indicates which files should be part of the final product. Some of these will be processed (like “egg” files being converted to “bam” files), while others will be included as-is.
These can be specific file-names, or file-patterns.
If we have files that we want to exclude, we can do so via “exclude_patterns”.
“gui_apps” indicates that we’re building a game that opens a window, and also points it to the location of the “main” Python file for the game. If we wanted to run from a console, we could use “console_apps” instead. Note that if we wanted to, we could build multiple apps, both gui and console.
“plugins” indicates which Panda3D plugins we want to use. This includes things like OpenGL, OpenAL, FMod, support for additional model-file types, and so on.
“platforms” is simply what operating systems we want to build for (and in some cases, whether to build for 32- or 64- bit systems). I’ll include Windows, Mac, and Linux options in the “platforms” section below–just remove those that you don’t want.
“log_filename” tells Panda what to call the log-file that it creates for reporting various pieces of output–in particular things like warnings and errors.
- This may seem unimportant–after all, we’ve thus far been able to see these pieces of output in our console! However, under Windows and Mac, distributable builds will give no such output outside of a log-file. This can make the debugging of any issues that turn up in such a build very difficult indeed! Thus it’s a very good idea to have a log!
“log_append” simply indicates whether Panda should allow the log-file to accumulate output from multiple runs, or wipe it clean and start anew on each run.
Thus we end up with this:
from setuptools import setup
name = "Panda-chan and the Endless Horde",
options = {
"build_apps" : {
# Files that we want to include. Specifically:
# * All of our image-files (.png)
# * All of our sound- and music-files (.ogg)
# * All of our text-files (.txt)
# * All of our 3D models (.egg)
# - These will be automatically converted
# to .bam files
# * And all of our font-files (in the "Font" folder)
"include_patterns" : [
# We want a gui-app, and our "main" Python file
# is "Game.py"
"gui_apps" : {
"Panda-chan and the Endless Horde" : "Game.py"
# Plugins that we're using. Specifically,
# we're using OpenGL, and OpenAL audio
"plugins" : [
# Platforms that we're building for.
# Remove those that you don't want.
"platforms" : [
# The name of our log-file. We're keeping
# the directory-name short--our title is kinda long--
# and we're placing the file within the user's
# "app-data" directory.
"log_filename" : "$USER_APPDATA/PandaChanAndHorde/output.log",
# Instead of allowing log-data to accumulate,
# we're here choosing to start the log fresh
# on each run.
"log_append" : False
Note that if we leave out the “platforms” section entirely, the build-system will automatically build for all of the default platforms. The defaults are the three that I included in our “setup.py” above, I believe.
Note also that the specific names for the various platforms may have changed since the original time of writing–so “macosx_10_6_x86_64” might become “macosx_10_9_x86_64”, and later something else again. I suggest checking the current names of the platforms that you intend to use!
There are a variety of other options available for use in the “setup.py” script. For a fuller list, and a more in-depth explanation, see the manual!
So, with all of that in place, only one thing remains to be done: to actually run the command that sets our game building!
To do that, we open a console, and run our “setup.py” script, passing to it the “bdist_apps” command. Doing so will have the build-system first build our distributable game, and then package it into a nicely-portable format. (At time of writing, all of the packaging formats are archives.)
The command looks as follows:
python3 setup.py bdist_apps
(You could use Python 2.7 at time of writing, I think, but even now it’s being slowly deprecated, and furthermore may incur problems.)
Wait for the process to finish, and then check your project directory: you should have two new directories: “build”, and “dist”.
The “build” directory holds the newly-built game, albeit unpackaged, as well as a cache of the files that the build-system downloaded to make it. (The latter allows it to skip re-downloading files that it already has, should you build more than once.)
The “dist” directory, however, holds the packaged version of the built game–ready to be distributed!
On to Lesson–wait, no, that’s it! We have completed the tutorial, and if all has gone well, you should have your first complete Panda3D game! Congratulations and well done on doing so, and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your time with Panda3D, should you choose to continue with it.